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Magnus Choir VSTi

A VSTi plug-in that can be used to create natural and synthetic Choir


"A VSTi plug-in which" can be used to create natural and synthetic Choir
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Magnus CHOIR is a virtual instrument plug-in, synthesis and sampling using a combination of natural and synthetic may be used to create a choir. Windows-based VST hosts did.

# Combines advanced sampling engine and synthesizing techniques an instrument full of expression capabilities. DSP engine delivers a new level of realism in creating digital audio ...
# This versatile module multiple dynamic, espressivo, Staccato, Marcato, Crescendo, decrescendo, Tenuto, Oohs, Ahhs, MMS choir and always includes the celebrities, including Attack, Sustain, Decay and Release parameters and several modulation targets, these musicians almost limitless variety facilities and a unique new sounds with different vocal characteristics: Men's Choir, Women's Choir, Angel's created gives more ...
# ADSR envelope generator choir, One Choir, Choir Pads and Synthetic Choir.
Affordable price and user-friendly attitude # very excited and are sure to attract musicians.
# Includes 16 Factory Presets (acoustic synthetic and filter characteristics included)
# Clear user interface intuitive, creative attempts to help the user to operate the invitation.
# Free variation of acoustic Ambience thanks to complete separation and chamber choir. Small rooms to large spaces such as may have been the model. Customizable with user controls: size room, width room, Damping Factor & mix, to create psycho-acoustic models in the DSP environment, without having to install plug-ins to other chips are used.

(Syntheway MCH you) Magnus Choir VSTi 1.5 free download now you can.

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